Yet another long hiatus ends.

Yet another long hiatus ends.

Long story short; been having some issues since the move. Think I may have everything worked out and can get back to work here. Computer is mostly doing alright now, I seem to be able to focus again and everyone seems to be mostly alright. I can sit down and develop a videy gem again.

I'm rebuilding my infrastructure for the back-end of the game to make it easier to deploy and understand. I would like to have 1-click deploys so I can roll out new versions of the servers to live with minimal downtime.

Then I will set up my revised patching system. I already have a client distribution system set up so it's just a matter of getting the patch system set up and ready for use before I can actually give people links where they can get the game and help me test.

If things go well this month I should like to think I would be back into designing the interaction systems for the care sim aspect by July.

The first thing I need to do before I get back to coding is restructure my documentation. I've started on that already and it should give me a better overview of what I need to do in the code once I finish reading my old notes and putting them in order.

Reorganizing the docs.

Anyway, back to work.